Shincheonji Church to Hold Weekly Seminars on Understanding the Fulfillment of Revelation

NEW YORK- Rising cases of Covid-19 have triggered the spread of misinformation about the Bible and the Book of Revelation. Rumors say that the Covid-19 vaccine is the “mark of the beast” mentioned in Revelation 13. Religious leaders claim that the pandemic is a sign of the end times.

Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony, wants to demystify the Book of Revelation and explain its content plainly. The church will hold a round of weekly seminars titled, “Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God’s New Covenant” from October 18th to December 27th.

The seminars, which will be broadcasted live on YouTube, will explain prophecies recorded in every chapter of Revelation based on the 5Ws and 1H (who, what, when, where, why, how). The lecturers include Chairman Man-hee Lee, who has said that he is a witness who saw and heard all the events of Revelation’s fulfillment (Revelation 22:16).

The Shincheonji Word Seminar held in August attracted 1,700 pastors and 28,000 people globally. “The number of participants at this time reflects their interest and effort to understand the words of Revelation consistently with the rest of the Bible,” said Mr. Shin-chang Kim, General Director of the International Mission Department of Shincheonji Church.

The Shincheonji Church also explained that the book of Revelation is written in parables; therefore, human interpretations and theories misinterpret its meaning and mislead believers. The church also emphasizes that understanding the true meaning of the book of Revelation involves seeing how the prophecies expressed in parables have been fulfilled today, according to the Bible.

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