Belarus imprisons 2 women journalists for shooting protests against Lukashenko

KYIV (UKRAINE) – Two Belarusian journalists working for a Poland-based news channel were sentenced to two years imprisonment on Thursday after they were arrested by Minsk authorities for live streaming protests against President Alexander Lukashenko.

Katsiaryna Andreyeva, 27, and Darya Chultsova, 23, who are working for Belsat, were detained in an apartment in November from where they were shooting protests taking place over the death of a protester killed several days before.

International human rights bodies have flayed the arrests.

After being accused of orchestrating the demonstrations by shooting the event, the duo pleaded not guilty. The prosecution presented a video camera, a microphone, mobile phones, thumb drives and press jackets as material evidence in court.

The two appeared in a cage at the hearing flashing a ‘V’ sign signifying victory.

In the violent protests against the authoritarian ruler, more than 33,000 people have been detained so far ever since the controversial election in August last year. His opponents say the poll was rigged in order to extend his rule. Lukashenko has been at the helm since 1994.

The New York-headquartered Committee to Protect Journalists urged Belarusian authorities to drop the charges levelled against reporter Andreyeva and camerawoman Chultsova and release them.

“Every time I went to work, I risked my health and life,” Andreyeva said in an earlier statement, adding, “I managed to hide from rubber bullets, explosions of stun grenades, blows from truncheons. My colleagues were much less fortunate.”

“I have everything: youth, a job that I love, fame and, most importantly, a clear conscience.”

The duo was shooting protests following the death of 31-year-old Roman Bondarenko in hospital after being brutally assaulted by security forces.

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